2021-01-20 22:26:39 +09:00

1870 lines
60 KiB
Raw Blame History

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<field name="type">11</field>
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<field name="key" id="MRLP/?IZ:[U}[AV@bf6%" variabletype="">キー</field>
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<block type="ugj_multimedia_webspeech_recognition">
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<field name="continuous">once</field>
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<!-- <block type="ugj_multimedia_cloudspeech_recognition">
<field name="transcript" id="=3;~1sjv_R.pRhO)=wQY" variabletype="">ことば</field>
<field name="continuous">once</field>
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<shadow type="ugj_library_tensorflow"></shadow>
<block type="ugj_tfpredict_init"></block>
<block type="ugj_tfpredict_loadmodel"></block>
<block type="ugj_tfpredict_predict">
<field name="result" id="!=~_{T-;nZXP-rWM|beL" variabletype="">結果</field>
<label text="_" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<category name="ネットワーク" css-icon="customIcon fas fa-wifi" categorystyle="network_category">
<label text="基本" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_network_axios_geturl">
<value name="url">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">http://www.yahoo.co.jp/</field>
<block type="ugj_network_sendmail">
<value name="from">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">from@ocoge.club</field>
<value name="to">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">to@example.com</field>
<value name="subject">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">おはよう</field>
<value name="text">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">朝ですよ</field>
<label text="サーバー" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
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<field name="URL" id="fIVY=P=^1=p?6=+h:,Dt" variabletype="">url</field>
<value name="response">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">オコゲ</field>
<label text="リモートGPIO" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_gpio_start_remote">
<value name="host">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT"></field>
<label text="ウェブチャット" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
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<value name="lib">
<shadow type="ugj_library_skyway"></shadow>
<block type="ugj_webchat"></block>
<block type="ugj_getusermedia"></block>
<block type="ugj_skyway_newpeer">
<field name="my_id">自分のID</field>
<block type="ugj_skyway_called"></block>
<block type="ugj_skyway_events">
<field name="remote_id" id="0H.)5,:R#6)mx{rc2O.6" variabletype="">相手のID</field>
<block type="ugj_skyway_eventopen"></block>
<block type="ugj_skyway_eventdata">
<field name="data" id="q[DF.B~59aE(90^posFt" variabletype="">発言</field>
<block type="ugj_skyway_eventsend">
<field name="data" id="vN/_]nnKA$wVHSxh2_9f" variabletype="">内容</field>
<label text="_" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
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<label text="出入力" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_canvas_say">
<value name="say">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">コンニチワ!</field>
<value name="sec">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">2</field>
<block type="ugj_event_answer">
<field name="answer" id="_m@Uj#wHnIuGJNVwdUR+" variabletype="">答え</field>
<value name="question">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">お名前は?</field>
<value name="sec">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">5</field>
<block type="ugj_blackboard_show"></block>
<block type="ugj_blackboard_write">
<field name="style">normal</field>
<field name="line">new</field>
<field name="cursor">FALSE</field>
<value name="text">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">コンニチワ!</field>
<value name="color">
<shadow type="colour_picker">
<field name="COLOUR">#ccffff</field>
<block type="ugj_blackboard_content"></block>
<block type="ugj_clearblackboard"></block>
<block type="ugj_control_button">
<field name="title" id="j{fM0uCAB9~3y=|~dd?:" variabletype="">ツールチップ</field>
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<field name="TEXT">ボタン1</field>
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<field name="COLOUR">#00cccc</field>
<value name="title">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">データの保存に使えます。</field>
<block type="ugj_localstorage_save">
<value name="keyValue">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">abc</field>
<value name="keyName">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">storage</field>
<block type="ugj_localstorage_load">
<value name="keyName">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">storage</field>
<block type="ugj_localstorage_keylist"></block>
<label text="制御" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_sleep">
<value name="sec">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<block type="ugj_set_timeout">
<value name="sec">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<block type="ugj_set_interval">
<value name="sec">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">1</field>
<block type="ugj_special_clearinterval"></block>
<label text="プロセス" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_spawnsync">
<field name="data" id="^B.zQ~+BcS!dKNmb,+AX" variabletype="">実行結果</field>
<block type="ugj_spawn">
<field name="data" id=")H{jxG09B6}[PcO%4H1d" variabletype="">データ</field>
<block type="ugj_child_julius"></block>
<block type="ugj_child_openjtalk">
<field name="voice">m001</field>
<value name="talk">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">こんにちは!</field>
<block type="ugj_child_facepy">
<field name="win"> </field>
<block type="ugj_child_gesture"></block>
<block type="ugj_child_irrecord">
<value name="gpio">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">23</field>
<block type="ugj_child_irplayback">
<value name="gpio">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">22</field>
<value name="signal">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT"></field>
<block type="ugj_child_irrcvr">
<value name="gpio">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">23</field>
<block type="ugj_child_fswebcam">
<value name="filename">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">photo.jpg</field>
<block type="ugj_child_oledtext">
<value name="line1">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT"></field>
<value name="line2">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT"></field>
<value name="line3">
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<field name="TEXT"></field>
<value name="line4">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT"></field>
<block type="ugj_child_testpy"></block>
<block type="ugj_child_testjs"></block>
<label text="特殊記号" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_text_cr"></block>
<block type="ugj_text_lf"></block>
<block type="ugj_text_cursor"></block>
<label text="特殊" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<block type="ugj_socket">
<field name="data" id="Y^@?sd}wN]H+nmK=[{wL" variabletype="">受信データ</field>
<value name="host">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">localhost</field>
<value name="port">
<shadow type="math_number">
<field name="NUM">23</field>
<block type="ugj_socket_write">
<value name="cmd">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">Hello</field>
<block type="ugj_file_readsync">
<field name="encoding">utf8</field>
<value name="filename">
<shadow type="text">
<field name="TEXT">example.txt</field>
<block type="ugj_child_debug">
<value name="cmd">
<label text="_" web-line="4.0" web-line-width="200"></label>
<category name="スニペット" css-icon="customIcon fas fa-egg" categorystyle="snippets_category">
<script src="./google-blockly/blockly_compressed.js"></script>
<script src="./google-blockly/javascript_compressed.js"></script>
<script src="./google-blockly/blocks_compressed.js"></script>
<script src="./google-blockly/msg/js/ja.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/custom-dialog.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/ugj_blocks.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/beautify.min.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/prettify.js"></script>
<script src="./.shared/skyway_key.js"></script>
const testfunc = () => {
//============ User Customize Start ===============
// テーマ
// カスタムブロックカラー定義
Blockly.HSV_SATURATION = 0.55;
Blockly.HSV_VALUE = 0.75;
var gpio_color = '0';
var multimedia_color = '240';
var network_color = '340';
var special_color = '20';
var snippets_color = '90';
// Blockly.Msg.UGJ_GPIO_HUE = 0;//FF7799
// Blockly.Msg.UGJ_MULTIMEDIA_HUE = 240;//CF63CF
// Blockly.Msg.UGJ_NETWORK_HUE = 340;//"#54C4EA"
// Blockly.Msg.UGJ_SPECIAL_HUE = 20;//"#0FBD8C"
// Blockly.Msg.UGJ_SNIPPETS_HUE = 90;
var theme = Blockly.Theme.defineTheme('ocoge', {
'base': Blockly.Themes.Classic,
'fontStyle': { "family": "Noto Sans CJK JP Light" },
'startHats': true,
'componentStyles': {
'toolboxBackgroundColour': 'aliceblue',
'flyoutBackgroundColour': 'lavender',
'toolboxForegroundColour': 'white',
'flyoutForegroundColour': 'steelblue'
'blockStyles': {
'gpio_blocks': {
"colourPrimary": gpio_color
'multimedia_blocks': {
"colourPrimary": multimedia_color
'network_blocks': {
"colourPrimary": network_color
'special_blocks': {
"colourPrimary": special_color
'snippets_blocks': {
"colourPrimary": snippets_color
'categoryStyles': {
"gpio_category": {
"colour": gpio_color
"multimedia_category": {
"colour": multimedia_color
"network_category": {
"colour": network_color
"special_category": {
"colour": special_color
"snippets_category": {
"colour": snippets_color
// Customize messages
Blockly.Msg["CONTROLS_IF_MSG_THEN"] = "ならば";
Blockly.Msg["MATH_CHANGE_TITLE"] = "変数 %1 を %2 増やす";
Blockly.Msg["VARIABLES_SET"] = "変数 %1 を %2 にする";
Blockly.Msg["TEXT_PRINT_TITLE"] = "ダイアログに %1 を表示";
// Customize Toolbox
class CustomCategory extends Blockly.ToolboxCategory {
/** Constructor for a custom category. @override */
constructor(categoryDef, toolbox, opt_parent) {
super(categoryDef, toolbox, opt_parent);
/** @override */
addColourBorder_(colour) {
this.rowDiv_.style.backgroundColor = colour;
/** @override */
setSelected(isSelected) {
// We do not store the label span on the category, so use getElementsByClassName.
var labelDom = this.rowDiv_.getElementsByClassName('blocklyTreeLabel')[0];
if (isSelected) {
// Change the background color of the div to white.
this.rowDiv_.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
// Set the colour of the text to the colour of the category.
labelDom.style.color = this.colour_;
this.iconDom_.style.color = this.colour_;
} else {
// Set the background back to the original colour.
this.rowDiv_.style.backgroundColor = this.colour_;
// Set the text back to white.
labelDom.style.color = 'white';
this.iconDom_.style.color = 'white';
// This is used for accessibility purposes.
Blockly.utils.aria.setState(/** @type {!Element} */(this.htmlDiv_),
Blockly.utils.aria.State.SELECTED, isSelected);
CustomCategory, true);
//============ User Customize End ===============
const ugj_canvasBgImg = imgSrc => {
let el = document.getElementById('canvas_bg');
let ctx = el.getContext('2d');
let img = new Image();
img.src = imgSrc;
// img.onload = () => ctx.drawImage(img, 140, 80); // ミミィ
img.onload = () => ctx.drawImage(img, 140, 0); // こげちー
// マスコット
// ugj_canvasBgImg("./img/mimmy.png?" + new Date().getTime()); // ミミィ
ugj_canvasBgImg("./img/cogechee.png?" + new Date().getTime()); // こげちー
// HTML部品のインスタンス - 画面上の必要な部品はすべてここで取得しておく
ugjel_displayArea = document.getElementById('display_area'); // ディスプレイ部
ugjel_blackboard = document.getElementById('blackboard'); // 黒板
ugjel_inputForm = document.getElementById('inputForm'); // 入力フォーム
ugjel_inputBox = document.getElementById('inputBox'); // 入力フィールド
// その他のプロパティ
ugj_inputEvLstnrID = 0; // 入力フォームの動的イベントリスナの最新のID
ugj_sounds = (names => { // サウンドファイルのいろいろの配列の初期化
let sounds = [];
names.forEach(value => {
let filepath = `./sounds/${value}.wav`;
sounds[value] = { 'file': filepath, 'audio': new Audio(filepath) };
return sounds;
})(['meow', 'bounce', 'type_chime', 'type_dink', 'type_tap', 'type_space', 'type_return']); // サウンドファイルのベース名のリスト
// メソッド
// サウンド再生 - 連続再生のため、再生開始後すぐにオーディオ要素を再生成する
const ugj_soundPlay = soundName => {
ugj_sounds[soundName]['audio'] = new Audio(ugj_sounds[soundName]['file']);
// OK,Cancel 2択のダイアログを表示
const ugj_confirm = (title, message, callback) => {
CustomDialog.show(title, message, {
showOkay: true,
onOkay: () => callback(true),
showCancel: true,
onCancel: () => callback(false)
const ugj_htmlEntities = str =>// HTMLエンティティのエスケープ
String(str).replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');//.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/ /g, '&nbsp;');
// 新規ワークスペース
const ugj_newWorkspace = () => {
ugj_confirm('新規ワークスペース', '保存していない内容はすべて破棄されます。よろしいですか?', okey => {
if (okey) {
// ワークスペースをファイルに保存・読込
const ugj_saveWorkspaceToFile = () => {
let xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(workspace);
let xml_text = Blockly.Xml.domToText(xml);
if (elec.saveWsFile(xml_text) === false) {
const ugj_loadWorkspaceFromFile = () => {
let xml_text = elec.loadWsFile();
if (xml_text.length > 0) {
let xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xml_text);
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, workspace);
// ワークスペースを別名で保存
const ugj_saveWorkspaceAs = () => {
// ワークスペースをローカルストレージに保存・読込
const ugj_saveWorkspace = () => {
// Workspace
let xml = Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(workspace);
let xml_text = Blockly.Xml.domToText(xml);
localStorage.setItem("abrage.xml", xml_text);
const ugj_loadWorkspace = () => {
// Workspace
let xml_text = localStorage.getItem("abrage.xml");
if (xml_text.length != 0) {
let xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(xml_text);
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, workspace);
// ワークスペースからコードを生成して必要であれば整形処理をする
const ugj_createCode = (args) => {
addAsync = args.async || false;
beautify = args.beautify || false;
let code = Blockly.JavaScript.workspaceToCode(workspace);
// 追加モジュールのrequire
let requires = [
['_gpio_', false, `const pi = require('ocoge_pigpiod');\n`],
['_axios_', false, `const axios = require('axios');\n`],
['_sendmail', false, `const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');\n`],
['_cloudspeech_', false, `const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech');\nconst recorder = require('node-record-lpcm16');\n`],
['_httpserver', false, `const http = require('http');\n`],
['_file_', false, `const fs = require('fs');\n`],
// ['_bme280', false, `const BME280 = require('bme280-sensor');`],
['_dht', false, `const dht = require("node-dht-sensor").promises;`],
['_socket_', false, `const net = require('net');`]
let blockArray = workspace.getAllBlocks();
blockArray.forEach(value => {
for (var i = 0, l = requires.length; i < l; i++) {
if (value.type.indexOf(requires[i][0]) >= 0) requires[i][1] = true;
for (var i = 0, l = requires.length; i < l; i++) {
if (requires[i][1]) code = requires[i][2] + code;
// await使用のため、必要に応じてコード全体をasync付き即時関数でラップ
if (addAsync) {
code = [
'(async () => {',
// コードを綺麗に
if (beautify) code = js_beautify(code, { indent_size: 2 });
return code;
// ブロックスクリプト実行
const ugj_runCode = () => {
document.activeElement.blur(); //実行ボタンからフォーカスを外す:エンターキー押下が悪さをするため
let code = ugj_createCode({ 'async': true });
try {
} catch (e) {
// JavaScriptコードをダイアログで表示・保存
// エレメントのオブジェクトとかコールバックとか
// 色々この中で完結させてみる
const ugj_showCode = () => {
const dialog = document.getElementById('codeDlg');
const content = document.getElementById('dlgContent');
const btn_close = document.getElementById('dlgClose');
const btn_export = document.getElementById('dlgExport');
const chkbox_cli = document.getElementById('dlgCli');
let code = ugj_createCode({ 'beautify': true });
code = ugj_htmlEntities(code);
content.innerHTML = PR.prettyPrintOne(code, 'js', true);
const close_cb = () => {
btn_close.removeEventListener('click', close_cb);
btn_export.removeEventListener('click', export_cb);
const export_cb = () => {
code = ugj_createCode({ 'async': true, 'beautify': true });
// blackboardWrite()をconsole.log()に書き換え、
// document... と ugj_... と elec... をコメントアウト(ブラウザ関連部分の追放という意味では不完全なので注意)
if (chkbox_cli.checked)
code = code.replace(/const appendDiv[^#]*\/\/#/gm, 'const blackboardWrite = text => console.log(text);').replace(/(^(?=.*document.)[^;]*;)/gm, '/* $1 */').replace(/(^(?=.*ugj_)[^;]*;)/gm, '/* $1 */').replace(/(^(?=.*elec.)[^;]*;)/gm, '/* $1 */');
if (elec.saveFile(code, 'js') === false) {
btn_close.addEventListener('click', close_cb);
btn_export.addEventListener('click', export_cb);
// フキダシ
ugj_fdTimeoutID = null;
ugj_fdRecentBox = null;
const ugj_fukidashi = (text, sec) => {
// Canvas Context
const context = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
// 吹き出しを消去する関数
const clearFd = (x, y, w, h) => context.clearRect(x, y, w, h);
// 前回の思い出を忘れる
if (ugj_fdRecentBox !== null) {
clearFd(ugj_fdRecentBox.x, ugj_fdRecentBox.y, ugj_fdRecentBox.w, ugj_fdRecentBox.h);
ugj_fdRecentBox = null;
// 基本設定
let rtopX = 170; // フキダシ右上 X座標
let rtopY = 40; // フキダシ右上 Y座標
let boxWidth = 140;
let padding = 5;
let radius = 5;// 円弧の半径
// 吹き出しの背景色
context.fillStyle = "#b7e6ff";
// テキスト設定
let limitedWidth = boxWidth - (padding * 2);
let size = 14;
context.font = size + "px ''";
// テキスト調整 行に分解
let lineTextList = text.split("\n");
let newLineTextList = [];
lineTextList.forEach((lineText) => {
if (context.measureText(lineText).width > limitedWidth) {
characterList = lineText.split("");// 1文字ずつ分割
let preLineText = "";
lineText = "";
characterList.forEach((character) => {
lineText += character;
if (context.measureText(lineText).width > limitedWidth) {
lineText = character;
preLineText = lineText;
let lineLength = newLineTextList.length;
// 角丸
let width = boxWidth;// 枠の幅
let height = (size * lineLength) + (padding * 3); // 枠の高さ
let toRadianCoefficient = Math.PI / 180; // 角度からラジアンへの変換係数
// 角丸原点(左上座標)
let boxOrigin = {
"x": rtopX - width,
"y": rtopY,
// 円弧から円弧までの直線は自動で引かれます、角度は回り方によって変わります。
// arc(中心x, 中心y, 半径, 開始角度, 終了角度, 反時計回り)
context.arc(boxOrigin.x + radius, boxOrigin.y + radius, radius, 180 * toRadianCoefficient, 270 * toRadianCoefficient, false);// 左上
context.arc(boxOrigin.x + width - radius, boxOrigin.y + radius, radius, 270 * toRadianCoefficient, 0, false);// 右上
context.arc(boxOrigin.x + width - radius, boxOrigin.y + height - radius, radius, 0, 90 * toRadianCoefficient, false);// 右下
context.arc(boxOrigin.x + radius, boxOrigin.y + height - radius, radius, 90 * toRadianCoefficient, 180 * toRadianCoefficient, false);// 左下
// 矢印(ヒゲ)
let arrow = {
"x": rtopX - width / 2 + 40,
"y": rtopY + height + 10,
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
context.moveTo(arrow.x, arrow.y);
context.lineTo(arrow.x, arrow.y - arrow.height);
context.lineTo(arrow.x - arrow.width, arrow.y - arrow.height);
// テキスト描画
context.fillStyle = "#000000";
newLineTextList.forEach((lineText, index) => {
context.fillText(lineText, boxOrigin.x + padding, boxOrigin.y + padding + (size * (index + 1)));
// 描画した吹き出しの位置情報を保存
ugj_fdRecentBox = { x: boxOrigin.x, y: boxOrigin.y, w: width, h: height + arrow.height };
// 指定時間後に消去0以下で自動消去なし
if (sec > 0) {
ugj_fdTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
clearFd(boxOrigin.x, boxOrigin.y, width, height + arrow.height);
}, sec * 1000);
// return [boxOrigin.x, boxOrigin.y, width, height+arrow.height];
// https://qiita.com/horikeso/items/95595f379a8dfa63c34a
//======= Blockly GUI codes ===========
// Use in a block or block definition:
// Resizable workspace injection script
var blocklyArea = document.getElementById('blocklyArea');
var blocklyDiv = document.getElementById('blocklyDiv');
// var workspace = Blockly.inject(blocklyDiv,
// {toolbox: document.getElementById('toolbox')});
var workspace = Blockly.inject(blocklyDiv,
toolbox: document.getElementById('toolbox'),
theme: theme,
scrollbars: true,
grid: {
spacing: 20,
length: 1,
colour: '#888',
snap: true
zoom: { startScale: 1.0, controls: true },
trashcan: true,
media: './google-blockly/media/'
var onresize = function (e) {
// Compute the absolute coordinates and dimensions of blocklyArea.
var element = blocklyArea;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
do {
x += element.offsetLeft;
y += element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;
} while (element);
// Position blocklyDiv over blocklyArea.
blocklyDiv.style.left = x + 'px';
blocklyDiv.style.top = y + 'px';
blocklyDiv.style.width = blocklyArea.offsetWidth + 'px';
blocklyDiv.style.height = blocklyArea.offsetHeight + 'px';
window.addEventListener('resize', onresize, false);
// ワークスペースの未保存の変更のフラグ
const ugj_wsUpdateCB = event => {
if (event.type != Blockly.Events.UI) {
// ウィンドウロード・アンロード時
window.onload = () => {
var menu = document.getElementById('conmenu'); //独自コンテキストメニュー
var area = document.getElementById('dlgContent'); //対象エリア
var body = document.body; //bodyエリア
body.oncontextmenu = () => false;
area.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) {
menu.style.left = e.pageX + 'px';
menu.style.top = e.pageY + 'px';
body.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (menu.classList.contains('on')) {
// ワークスペースといくつかの環境のオートリストア
setTimeout(() => { // 環境設定のロードが終わってからイベントリスナを作成
}, 100);
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
// Electron動作とブラウザ動作を自動で仕分け
if (typeof require == 'function') {
// requireが使える = Electron
var elec = require('./scripts/eleclib');
console.log('elec loaded.');
} else {
var require = (e) => {
alert(`この機能またはブロック [${e}] は web 版ではご利用になれません。\n詳しくはお問い合わせください。`);
// if (e=='elec' || e=='ocoge' || e=='child_process' || e=='@google-cloud/speech' || e=='nodemailer' || e=='fs' )
// alert(`この機能またはブロックは web 版ではご利用になれません。\n詳しくはお問い合わせください。`);
// else return;
var elec = {};
elec.saveFile = () => require('elec');
elec.savePrefsToLS = () => { ; }
elec.loadPrefsFromLS = () => { ; }
elec.newFile = () => { ; }
elec.setWsChanged = () => { ; }
elec.saveWsFile = xml_text => {
let blob = new Blob([xml_text], { "type": "text/xml" });
const downLoadLink = document.createElement("a");
downLoadLink.download = 'workspace.xml';
downLoadLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
return true;
elec.loadWsFile = () => {
const fileInputEl = document.createElement('input');
fileInputEl.type = 'file';
fileInputEl.addEventListener('change', ev => {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener('load', () => {
let xml = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(reader.result);
Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(xml, workspace);
return '';
//# sourceURL=userscript.js