/* Hide header on scroll down & show on scroll up */ const header = document.getElementById('header'); let lastPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { const currPos = document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (currPos > lastPos) { if (currPos > header.offsetHeight) { header.classList.add('-translate-y-full'); header.classList.remove('header-shadow'); } } else { header.classList.remove('-translate-y-full'); header.classList.add('header-shadow'); } lastPos = currPos; }, false); /* Toggle the menu when pressed on hamburger button Only on mobile devices */ const menu = document.getElementById('menu'); const searchBox = document.getElementById('search'); const menuToggle = document.getElementById('menu-toggle'); menuToggle.addEventListener('click', () => { menu.classList.toggle('hidden'); searchBox.classList.toggle('hidden'); }, false); /* Lazy load images */ const lazyImages = document.getElementsByClassName('lazy'); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { [...lazyImages].forEach((elem) => { const originalImage = elem.dataset.src; elem.setAttribute('src', originalImage); elem.removeAttribute('data-src'); }); }, false); /* Search for posts with keyword given in the parameter "q" Only run on search page ("/search/") */ class SearchPosts { async init() { const params = new URL(location.href).searchParams; this.start = Number(params.get('start')) || 1; this.size = Number(params.get('size')) || 12; this.posts = await fetch('../index.json').then((res) => { return res.json(); }); this.render(params.get('q')); } render(query) { const wrapperEl = document.getElementById('wrapper'); const searchBoxEl = document.getElementById('searchbox'); const infoEl = document.getElementById('info'); query = typeof query === 'string' ? query.toLowerCase() : ''; history.replaceState(null, null, `?q=${query}&start=${this.start}&size=${this.size}`); searchBoxEl.value = query; wrapperEl.innerHTML = ''; if (query === '') { infoEl.textContent = 'Enter keywords in the search box above'; return; } const matchedPosts = this.posts.filter((post) => { const postTitle = post.title.toLowerCase(); const postDescription = post.description.toLowerCase(); return (postTitle.indexOf(query) !== -1) || (postDescription.indexOf(query) !== -1); }); if (matchedPosts.length === 0) { infoEl.textContent = `No results were found for "${query}"`; return; } const size = this.size; const offset = this.start - 1; const slicedPosts = matchedPosts.slice(offset, offset + size); const lastPostIndex = offset + slicedPosts.length; const showingRange = this.start < lastPostIndex || this.start !== 1 ? `${this.start} to ${lastPostIndex}` : this.start; const extraS = matchedPosts.length > 1 ? 's' : ''; infoEl.textContent = `Showing ${showingRange} of ${matchedPosts.length} result${extraS} found for "${query}"`; slicedPosts.forEach((post) => { const { url, title, date, description } = post; wrapperEl.innerHTML += `



`; }); } } if (location.pathname === '/search/') { const searchBoxEl = document.getElementById('searchbox'); const searchPosts = new SearchPosts(); searchPosts.init(); searchBoxEl.addEventListener('keyup', debounce(function () { searchPosts.render(this.value); }, 400)); } // https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-debounce function debounce(fn, wait) { let timer; let resolveList = []; return function (...arguments_) { return new Promise((resolve) => { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(() => { timer = null; const result = fn.apply(this, arguments_); for (resolve of resolveList) { resolve(result); } resolveList = []; }, wait); resolveList.push(resolve); }); }; }